Modern Foreign Languages
MFL is taught across Key Stages 1 and 2 at Brigg Primary School.
Speaking another language is seen as a tool for communication, for developing confidence with others and encouraging articulacy.
We aim to develop cultural awareness, to gain a sense of how children go about their daily lives in Europe and beyond, to understand similarities and differences in lifestyles and to develop empathy with others. This often leads to group discussion and children can build a picture of what life must be like for children in other parts of the world.
Language learning is approached through a range of styles, from building vocabulary banks, developing routines and rehearsed activities, partner talk and scenarios. It is often reinforced through songs, gestures, games and quizzes as well as more formal methods such as written work, use of dictionaries and following grammatical processes (e.g. conjugating verbs, constructing sentences to reflect their own ideas and opinions).
A range of high-quality resources is important to us, many of which include native speakers and authentic, occasionally iconic, materials. Children are encouraged to develop accurate pronunciation, communication skills and a willingness to participate in extending their skills.
It is our intention that having a strong basic acquisition of MFL language skills will furnish our children with the tools, confidence and curiosity they need to continue as they encounter other languages in real-life situations.