School Uniform


The children are encouraged to wear red school sweatshirts or cardigans, red or white polo shirt and grey/black trousers/shorts or skirt. Summer dresses may be worn in warmer weather. Sensible footwear is encouraged, preferably black shoes with a low heel.


Red sweatshirt, white shirt or red/white polo shirt, grey trousers.


Red sweatshirt, cardigan, white shirt, red/ white polo shirt, grey skirt, or trousers.  School dresses may be worn in summer.
School logo sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts are available from the school office. We also stock waterproof fleeces, book bags and sunhats.  Find below a downloadable link containing all uniform prices.

Make-up, nail varnish and extreme hairstyles are not permitted

P. E. Kit
Plimsolls, black shorts and white t/shirts.  Trainers may be worn for outdoor PE. Please put your child’s name in each item.

Jewellery can be dangerous for the wearer and other people. Children are not permitted to wear jewellery at school with the exception of small plain stud earrings. For any Physical Education jewellery must not be worn in order to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. It is essential that children with earrings are able to remove them themselves or have them removed before school on PE days.  If children have had ears recently pierced then parents must sign a disclaimer and wear plasters over the ears (provided by parents).

Uniform Price List